Anak Nelayan

Lemah gemulai nyiur melambai

Indah menghiasi pesisir pantai

Nun jauh disana seorang anak nelayan menyusuri lautan

Angannya tak berujung bak lautan lepas yang luas


Fikirnya ikan-ikan tangkapannya banyak

Agar keluarga yang dicintai bisa bertahan hidup

Cerita anak nelayan

Hiasi pasir putih dan lautan biru

Rupanya nak nelayan selalu ceriah

Untuk hidup yang sederhana

Namun bahagia yang kaya

Inilah nyanyian anak nelayan

Anak yang selalu ceria

About Muhammadiyah University of Malang

Muhammadiyah University of Malang is a university that was founded in 1964 on the initiative pata figures and leaders of Muhammadiyah Malang Region. There are many advantages, one of which Training Information Technology Application, or the abbreviated PATI (Pelatihan Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi). Formerly this activity named APLINET (Applications Internet). This training was compulsory be followed by students UMM no exception college students his new. To create a generation that is not clueless about (read: technology illiterate), then the activity is very useful PATI. Other benefits, entire student becomes easy access the website-the website provided UMM.
New student, or often called Maba, not just follow the PATI only, but there are other activities, such as P2KK, Training Library, and Pesmaba.
If other universities typically hold it separately, for example in each faculty, but not at UMM. This is the side of the its superiority, we have a many relatives, not only from faculty that alone, but entire faculty are united, and can get to know entire college students from other faculties.
For instance, the implementation P2KK, even one in a dorm room we could find students of different majors. Relationship more closely intertwined here.

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